Founded in Lebanon on September 2013, Min ila is a civil, independent and non-governmental organization that is determined to bring a positive change to the society through citizenship education.
The Vision
We envision a society with active, empowered and alerted citizens capable of creating a social change.
The Mission
Our mission is to empower citizens – especially the youth and marginalized – by fostering citizenship education, promoting a culture of social responsibility and nurturing an engagement to the nation.
The Objectives
Our main objective is to develop innovative content, tools and methodology for citizenship education through formal and non-formal education. We strive to build the concept of a “democratic citizenship” that is centered on the ideals of social justice, human rights, democracy, gender equality, accountability, transparency, solidarity, and civics. We are highly dedicated to raising awareness on political, economic, environmental, and social issues in order for citizens – especially the youth – to become responsible and engaged with the nation.
Our passion is revolved around the innovation of citizenship education and its learning processes. Our three programs – Formal and Non-Formal Education and the Youth Employability Program - are revolved around teaching our students a wide array of skills. Citizenship Education is a dedication that aims to teaching new skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are required to be an active, democratic, responsible and critical citizen. This is where we teach them how to tackle the formal and non-formal education sector through various different projects.

Formal Education Program
By proposing a new civic education curriculum for schools, we are creating an entirely new program that is highly interactive, innovational and inspiring for the students. This could lead them to learn how to be more aware, engaged and active in their respective communities. See More
Informal Education Program
Our projects are designed to enhance citizenship education skills and knowledge by promoting values such as human rights, democracy and intercultural dialogue through arts, sports, community initiatives, etc. See More
Youth Employability Program
In hopes of motivating and preparing the youth for the future, we are constantly working on several methods to give them the chance to enter the job market in development and humanitarian sectors by providing them with the job skills, life skill and technical skills. See MoreBoard of Directors
The Board of Directors are a group of passionate leaders ready to bring the cause of Min ila to life
General Assembly
As a vital part of the team, they are a talented group striving to achieve the goals of Min ila
As part of the internship program at Min ila, we always have a dedicated young group to aid our objective
Our achievements
Min ila was nominated second for the prize awarded by Fondation Ghazal and Fondation de France.
Youth Forum for the Mediterranean, Union for the Mediterranean (UFM)
This partnership-building activity brings together representatives of youth-led organizations, platforms and networks from the Euro-Mediterranean region to develop regional cooperation projects led by youth.
Expert Meeting on South-Mediterranean Youth Cooperation, European Union
Young experts were invited to, amongst others, take stock of the knowledge on youth and research being carried out by different stakeholders and to design a process of strengthening knowledge networks on youth in the South Mediterranean.
5th Global Education and Youth Training, 17th University on Youth and Development
Min ila has been selected to participate in the 5th Global Education and Youth Training Course for Youth Multipliers.
MENA Regional Youth Platform, World Bank
The workshop was about sharing knowledge and expertise on youth in the MENA region to propose new platforms and cooperation between countries.
Farah Moussawi- Intern
Every success starts with a dream. A dream to change your life. My volunteering experience at Min ila gave me hope that things can be changed and it will
Lena Abdou- Intern
Min ila has given me the opportunity to meet, socialize and get in touch with great people from different educational backgrounds
Yara Ayoub- Intern
At Min ila, it starts crazy and ends up really brilliant
Haret Saida Public Highschool
Students met with other students from different regions and cultures, they interacted with them and learned new skills such as respecting and accepting others and their values
Participant- Arts and Sports Project
The activities were great and filled with joy and energy. What was special was meeting new people and developing a new friendship with them